
(c) 2012 Airbnb, Inc.

polyglot.js may be freely distributed under the terms of the BSD
license. For all licensing information, details, and documention:

Polyglot.js is an I18n helper library written in JavaScript, made to work both in the browser and in Node. It provides a simple solution for interpolation and pluralization, based off of Airbnb's experience adding I18n functionality to its Backbone.js and Node apps.

Polylglot is agnostic to your translation backend. It doesn't perform any translation; it simply gives you a way to manage translated phrases from your client- or server-side JavaScript application.

!function(root) {
  'use strict';

Polyglot class constructor

  function Polyglot(options) {
    this.phrases = (options && options.phrases) ? options.phrases : {};
    this.currentLocale = (options && options.locale) ? options.locale : 'en';


  Polyglot.VERSION = '0.2.0';


Get or set locale. Internally, Polyglot only uses locale for pluralization.

  Polyglot.prototype.locale = function(newLocale) {
    if (newLocale) this.currentLocale = newLocale;
    return this.currentLocale;


Use extend to tell Polyglot how to translate a given key.

  "hello": "Hello",
  "hello_name": "Hello, %{name}"

The key can be any string. Feel free to call extend multiple times; it will override any phrases with the same key, but leave existing phrases untouched.

  Polyglot.prototype.extend = function(morePhrases) {
    for (var key in morePhrases) {
      if (morePhrases.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        this.phrases[key] = morePhrases[key];


Clears all phrases. Useful for special cases, such as freeing up memory if you have lots of phrases but no longer need to perform any translation. Also used internally by replace.

  Polyglot.prototype.clear = function() {
    this.phrases = {};


Completely replace the existing phrases with a new set of phrases. Normally, just use extend to add more phrases, but under certain circumstances, you may want to make sure no old phrases are lying around.

  Polyglot.prototype.replace = function(newPhrases) {

polyglot.t(key, options)

The most-used method. Provide a key, and t will return the phrase.

=> "Hello"

The phrase value is provided first by a call to polyglot.extend() or polyglot.replace().

Pass in an object as the second argument to perform interpolation.

polyglot.t("hello_name", {name: "Spike"});
=> "Hello, Spike"

If you like, you can provide a default value in case the phrase is missing. Use the special option key "_" to specify a default.

polyglot.t("i_like_to_write_in_language", {
  _: "I like to write in %{language}.",
  language: "JavaScript"
=> "I like to write in JavaScript."
  Polyglot.prototype.t = function(key, options) {
    var result;
    options = options || {};
    var phrase = this.phrases[key] || options._ || '';
    if (phrase === '') {
      warn('Missing translation for key: "'+key+'"');
      result = key;
    } else {
      options = clone(options);

This allows you to pass an Array, Backbone.Collection, or anything with a length property as the smart_count parameter for pluralization.

      if (options.smart_count != null && options.smart_count.length != null) {
        options.smart_count = options.smart_count.length;
      result = choosePluralForm(phrase, this.currentLocale, options.smart_count);
      result = interpolate(result, options);
    return result;

polylglot.pluralize(noun, count)

A shortcut for calling polyglot.t() with a special ||||-delimeted phrase. Works well for the simple case, like "1 car".

  Polyglot.prototype.pluralize = function(noun, count) {
    if (count != null && count.length != null) {
      count = count.length;
    var key = pluralizeKey(noun);
    return this.t(key, {smart_count: count});

  function pluralizeKey(noun) {
    return 'shared.pluralize.' + noun;

Pluralization methods

The string that separates the different phrase possibilities.

  var delimeter = '||||';

Mapping from pluralization group plural logic.

  var pluralTypes = {
    chinese:   function(n) { return 0; },
    german:    function(n) { return n !== 1 ? 1 : 0; },
    french:    function(n) { return n > 1 ? 1 : 0; },
    russian:   function(n) { return n % 10 === 1 && n % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2; },
    czech:     function(n) { return (n === 1) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4) ? 1 : 2; },
    polish:    function(n) { return (n === 1 ? 0 : n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 10 || n % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2) },
    icelandic: function(n) { return (n % 10 !== 1 || n % 100 === 11) ? 1 : 0; }

Mapping from pluralization group to individual locales.

  var pluralTypeToLanguages = {
    chinese:   ['id', 'ja', 'ko', 'ms', 'th', 'tr', 'zh'],
    german:    ['da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'el', 'he', 'hu', 'it', 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'sv'],
    french:    ['fr', 'tl'],
    russian:   ['hr', 'ru'],
    czech:     ['cs'],
    polish:    ['pl'],
    icelandic: ['is']

  function langToTypeMap(mapping) {
    var type, langs, l, ret = {};
    for (type in mapping) {
      if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(type)) {
        langs = mapping[type];
        for (l in langs) {
          ret[langs[l]] = type;
    return ret;

Trim a string.

  function trim(str){
    var trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
    return str.replace(trimRe, '');

Based on a phrase text that contains n plural forms separated by delimeter, a locale, and a count, choose the correct plural form, or none if count is null.

  function choosePluralForm(text, locale, count){
    var ret, texts, chosenText;
    if (count != null && text) {
      texts = text.split(delimeter);
      chosenText = texts[pluralTypeIndex(locale, count)] || texts[0];
      ret = trim(chosenText);
    } else {
      ret = text;
    return ret;

  function pluralTypeName(locale) {
    var langToPluralType = langToTypeMap(pluralTypeToLanguages);
    return langToPluralType[locale] || langToPluralType['en'];

  function pluralTypeIndex(locale, count) {
    return pluralTypes[pluralTypeName(locale)](count);


Does the dirty work. Creates a RegExp object for each interpolation placeholder.

  function interpolate(phrase, options) {
    for (var arg in options) {
      if (arg !== '_' && options.hasOwnProperty(arg)) {

We create a new RegExp each time instead of using a more-efficient string replace so that the same argument can be replaced multiple times in the same phrase.

        phrase = phrase.replace(new RegExp('%\\{'+arg+'\\}', 'g'), options[arg]);
    return phrase;


Provides a warning in the console if a phrase key is missing.

  function warn(message) {
    root.console && root.console.warn && root.console.warn('WARNING: ' + message);


Clone an object.

  function clone(source) {
    var ret = {};
    for (var prop in source) {
      ret[prop] = source[prop];
    return ret;

Export for Node, attach to window for browser.

  if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
    module.exports = Polyglot;
  } else {
    root.Polyglot = Polyglot;
